释义 |
向量的长度 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?向量的长 ... length of a scale division || 标度分格间距,分格(度)长度 length of a vector || 向量的长 length of action || 啮合长度,作用长度 ... 2 ?向量长度 ... 矢量长度 vector length 向量长度 length of a vector; length of vector 子向量长度 svl sub vector length ...
- 1
So, even if the speed is constant, that means, even if a length of the velocity vector stays the same, the velocity vector can still rotate. 因此即使速率不变,也就是说速度矢量的的大小不变,但它的方向可以做旋转。 - 2
For instance, it's also the square of the Euclidean norm on R2, the length of a two-dimensional vector, a part of the triangle inequality, and quite a bit more. 例如,R 2 的平方、二维向量的长度、三角不等式等都存在勾股定理。 - 3
Consider a vector of five strings; you want to sort them on the basis of increasing string length. 请考虑一个包含5个字符串的向量;希望按字符串长度的升序排序。