松树岛(Isle of Pines)位于Noumea东南方80公里,从Noumea搭乘Air Caledonie航空国内线飞机,约20分钟即可到达,是潜水者热爱的潜水地点。
26日,我们的船终于到达向往已久的新喀里多尼亚松木岛(ISLE OF PINES),很早就知道松木岛,它绿宝石色的礁湖被公认为是太平洋上最美的景观。
...这次一共会探访New Caledonia的四个地方,按顺序是首都Noumea, Lifou,Isle of pines,Mare,个人最喜欢Isle of pines(松木岛), 可选了这个行程没有去到Mystery island神秘岛,只有等待下次再策划去瓦努阿图的游轮行程了 图片信息————[ ..
... -奴美亚(Noumea) -松岛(Isle of Pines) -诺福克岛(Norfork Island) ...
In 1961 he returned to the Isle of Pines.
ECONOMIST: Mario Chanes de Armas
That spring the Isle of Pines had been sown with dynamite, linked up to the wiring system in the prison, so that any American attempt to rescue the prisoners would blow them to smithereens.