One group, now calling themselves the Circlemakers, includes situationist artists Rod Dickinson and John Lundberg, the sculptor Gavin Turk, Rob Irving and others.
In recent history, women have fainted while JohnIrving read a kitchen table abortion scene from his novel Ciderhouse Rules.
在近代,妇女们会晕倒则是因为听约翰·欧文读到《心尘往事》(The Cider House Rules)里在厨房的桌上堕胎的情节。
He was inspired by a monograph written in 1964 by the statistician and code-breaker IrvingJohn Good entitled "Speculations concerning the first ultra-intelligent machine".
文奇是受了1964年统计员、电码译员Irving John Good所著的专论《关于极端智能机器的思考》的启发。