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1 ?纤孔菌属 (2)纤孔菌属(Inonotus):担子果木生,一年生,无柄;单系菌丝,有刚毛,菌肉褐色,薄,纤毛质,管孔小,圆形.. 2 ?孔菌属 纤孔菌属(Inonotus)是锈革孔菌科中的一个重要类群,分布广泛,种类丰富,其中一些具有重要的药用价值。本文研究了我国 3 ?拉丁属名 拉丁属名 Inonotus 菌盖无柄,琥珀褐色至烟色,覆瓦状,有狭密的环状棱纹及细绒毛,1.5~5cm×2~10cm,厚2~4mm。菌肉厚1~2mm,锈褐色。
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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the possible mechanism of anticancer activity of the extracts from Inonotus obliquus and its association with the phase of cell cycle. 目的:探讨桦褐孔菌提取物对肿瘤细胞周期的影响及其抗癌的作用机制。 - 2
The effects of different carbon sources, nitrogen sources, agar, natural substance, culture time and volume of culture solution on liquid culture of Inonotus obliquus were studied. 试验研究了碳源、氮源、琼脂、天然物质在桦褐孔菌菌丝体液体培养基中的配比。 - 3
The latest development and application prospect of Inonotus obliquus is summarized in following aspects: taxology, bionomy, cultivation on manpower and development tendency in medicine. 概述了国内外桦褐孔菌的分类学、生态学、人工栽培及药用研究动态的最新进展和应用前景。