释义 |
- 内积:在向量空间中定义的一种运算,将两个向量映射为一个标量。
1 ?以及它们矩阵内积 最后就形成了定域轨道 (超过 R 时就消失) : ()TVnnnlocχεφ=?? 以及它们矩阵内积(inner products):Bnmnmφχ= 这样就可以定义用于固体计算的变量 (Vlocion(r r), D(0), Q and β): ( )r( )r( )r( )r( );r q( )rQdrQnmnmnmnmnmψ...
- 1
Based on biconjugate gradient method, we redefine inner products using general variation principle, which can make complex linear equations solving have high-performance. 在一般双共轭梯度法的基础上,本文利用广义变分原理对内积进行了重新定义,使双共轭梯度法求解复线性方程组更为有效。 - 2
A neighbor down the street introduced him to the wonders of electronic, giving him Heathkits (hobbyist electronics kits), which taught him about the inner workings of products. 同住他一条街的一个邻居让他见识到了神奇的电子设备,并给了他一个Heathkits工具包(里面包含着各种电子爱好者的小玩意儿),这让他学会了电子产品的内部是如何运作的。 - 3
Be just nitrous acid because of the inner processing meat products has added a saltpetre, amine in meeting and leben forms sub nitramine, is cancerogen. 因为加工肉制品内添加了硝,也就是亚硝酸,会和酸奶中的胺形成亚硝胺,是致癌物。