释义 |
1 ?香川 既然说到斯科尔斯,远射(Long-range)性能必需有,而香川(Kagawa)即日也来了两下,天行健,君子以自强不息。 2 ?香川县 香川县(Kagawa) -日本之窗 ()(Kagawa)位于四国北东部,面对濑户内海主要航道濑户。 3 ?香川真司 穆帅还爆料了一个鲜为人知的故事,那是他还在皇马执教的时候,皇马一度接近签下香川真司(Kagawa):“当时,我希望香川能为皇马效力。我们与他进行了对话,甚至都快达成了一致。 4 ?香川県 香川県 ( Kagawa ), 四国 (Shikoku), Japan
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Dr Kagawa noted that the effects of the transplant wore off slowly, and the mice experienced a normal second menopause before they died. Kagawa博士指出,移植的作用会逐渐消退,老鼠最后在死之前会经历第二次正常的更年期。 - 2
Japan have a tradition of producing fine midfielders, and the evidence of the past few months suggests that Kagawa may prove to be their best yet. 日本向来有出产优质中场的传统,然而香川真司最近几个月以来的表现让他看上去是目前为止日本出产的最好产品。 - 3
The Kagawa Prefecture of Japan will export 600 square watermelons to European and North American countries for exhibition, Japanese media reported . 据日本媒体报道,日本香川县将向欧美等国运送600个方形西瓜,主要用于陈列展览。