释义 |
光,两极分化 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
When that light reflects off dark fur, it stays polarised. 当光从暗色皮毛反射时,保持偏振性。 但是从白色毛皮反射后偏振性就变弱,也就意味这对马蝇的吸引力降低。 - 2
For example, insects can see polarised light - light to them appears as different colours, depending on the Angle at which reflects off different surfaces. 例如,昆虫能够看到极光——光对它们来讲会根据从不同的表面反射的不同角度而显现出不同的颜色。 - 3
They sort left from right versions using circularly polarised light, whose electric field corkscrews through space in a left or right-handed direction. 旋转偏振光被他们用来筛选左手性和右手性分子,这种光的电场以左手或右手螺旋形式在空间旋进。