释义 |
直管枪 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
No sooner had I swung the barrel of the gun into line with the intruder than the room got very, very cold. So cold, in fact, that I could see my breath in the moonlight streaming through the curtains. 我还没来得上膛瞄准那个人便感觉到房里变得非常冷,冷到在从窗帘透进来的月光中,我都能看到自己呼出来的气,我浑身冰冷。 - 2
These sergeants stay on my back how I stand in the line, how I hold my gun, how I salute, how I walk, everything. 这几位中士纠缠我,指导我该怎样站队列,怎样持枪,怎样敬礼,怎样走,样样都不放过我。 - 3
Process parameters of robot spraying line are designed in terms of dimension of spraying booth, moving mode, moving speed of spraying gun, spraying efficiency, etc. 从机器人的喷房尺寸、动作方式、运枪速率、喷涂效率等参数设计方面讨论了机器人喷涂流水线上的工序能力设计。