释义 |
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The large Guest or In-Law apartment has a very large living area that can be used as an office or a fourth bedroom. 大型的客房或姻亲公寓有一个非常大的起居处所,可作为办公室或第4个卧室。 - 2
The original 1908 construction has been updated with amenities, including six bedrooms, five bathrooms and an in-law apartment.. 在1908年的原建筑之上,新增了一些方便设施,其中包括6间卧室,5间浴室,以及一间出租屋。 - 3
When Fran's brother-in-law Karl arrives at the office to find Fran, he is sent to Bud's apartment, where, mistaking the situation, he decks Bud with a shock to the jaw. 弗兰的姐夫卡尔前来寻找弗兰,公司里的人告诉他可以去巴德的公寓找找看。卡尔未弄清楚状况,误伤了巴德。
1in-law,公婆,岳父母等法律意义上的亲戚,apartment,公寓,套间。幽默用法。 |