...单井平均日注水量 N—全油田注水井数,口 Q y —产油量,t/d C—注水系数,取C=1.01.2 B—注采比(injection-production ratio) f w —含水率,%(重量百分比) B 0 —原油体积系数 0 —地面原油密度,t/m 3 w —注入水密度,t/m 3 Q w —全油田所需的...
The production pressure differential can be increased and the injection-productionratio can be reduced by transferring from flowing to pumping.
The method is presented to determine formation average pressure and boundary pressure with threshold pressure gradient and injection-productionratio.
To ensure prolonged stable high production, it is necessary to use a high injection-productionratio so as to ensure that enough water is injected into the main pay…