释义 |
1 [经]?土地整理 【正文快照】: 0引言土地整理(Land Consolidation)是指在一定地域范围内,按照土地利用总体规划的要求,采取一定的措施和手段,调整土地利用和社会经济关系,科学规划,合理布局,提高土... 2 ?土地集约 ... land settlement policy 殖平易近政策,移平易近政策 land consolidation 土地集约 to cultivate, to farm 垦植 ... 3 ?土地整治 ...望_土地整治分报告_胡振琪 - 久久建筑网 关键词:土地整治;土地复垦;综述;研究进展 [gap=1380]Key words: land consolidation; land reclamation; literature reviews; research progress ... 4 ?用地整理 邳州市农村居民点用地整理研究 关键词:农村居民点;用地整理;邳州市 [gap=525]Key words: Rual Residential Area; Land Consolidation; Pizhou City
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At present, we mainly do about rural land consolidation. - 2
Instead of saving the family farm, the policy is destroying it, encouraging agricultural land consolidation and raising barriers to entry. 这项政策促进了农用土地归整,从而加大了进入难度,没有起到挽救作用,反而在摧毁家庭农业。 - 3
Afterwards, Present land consolidation situation in our country and land consolidation meaning in southwest karst district are discussed. 对我国当前的土地整理形势,以及西南喀斯特地区土地整理的意义进行了探讨。