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lightning protection equipment 1 ?防雷装置 建筑物防雷装置检测工作的经验探讨_建筑科学论文 关键词:防雷装置, 检测, 探讨 [gap=342]Key Words: lightning protection equipment, testing, discussion 2 [电]?雷电保护装置 ... 勒克朗谢电池 Leclanche cell 雷电保护装置 lightning protection equipment 雷电过电压 lightning overvoltage ...
- 1
We will install lightning protection equipment equipment, should maintain the ground zero, as well as necessary according to the rules do repeat grounding. 安设避雷设备的设备,除应做好维护接零外,还有必要按规则做重复接地。 - 2
Longmen, frame, derrick and huge equipment and steel scaffolding Ji 'nan awning in the construction site, if there is no lightning protection equipment equipment lightning protection equipment. 济南遮阳蓬施工现场内的龙门架、井字架等巨大设备及钢管脚手架,若没有防雷设备应设备防雷设备。 - 3
The urgency of strengthening lightning and over-voltage protection of telecontrol equipment is expounded with specific measures presented. 阐述了加强远动设备防雷及过电压保护的紧迫性,并提出了具体的防护措施。