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闪电燃烧 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?电烧伤 平安健康网电烧伤(lightning burn)栏目为你提供详尽的电烧伤(lightning burn)症状,电烧伤(lightning burn)病因,电烧伤诊断,电烧伤治疗等资料
- 1
During the longer droughts that follow, the extra biomass then dries up so that if lightning strikes, forests burn more spectacularly. 而在接下来的长期干旱中,超额的生物质量会干旱,如遇闪电,森林大火则更加严重。 - 2
Trees, for example, react to downpours with a spurt of growth. During the longer droughts that follow, the extra biomass then dries up so that if lightning strikes, forests burn more spectacularly. 例如树木会反应下雨而发芽成长,若是接著又久旱不雨,当初那些雨后春笋统统晒到干枯,闪电一打,就很容易引起森林大火。 - 3
Severe injuries such as deep thermal burn, cardiopulmonary arrest or immediate death associated with high voltage or lightning electrocution are well reported in the literatures. 高压电烧伤或雷击造成的严重伤害(如深度烧伤、心肺停止甚至死亡等等)常在文献中被报告及讨论。