释义 |
1 ?知识域 根据组织知识管理战略的要求 识别知识母体和不同知识域( knowledge domain) 在组 织内部的分布状况 , 确定组织及其业务环节的知识 缺口 ( knowledge gap) , 从知识需求决定因素、知识需 求诱发过程、融知内... 2 ?知识领域 知识领域(KNOWLEDGE DOMAIN)神授力量(Granted Power):将所有知识技能添加到你的牧师职业技能列表中。你施放预言系法术时施法者等级+1。 3 ?知識向度 ...ohl, Airasian, Cruikshank, Mayer, Pintrich, Raths 与Wittrock 等人(2001)修订Bloom 认知分 類为「知識向度(Knowledge Domain)(属于名词层面) 和「认知歷程向度 (Cognitive Process Domain)(属于动词层面),前者在协助讲授者区分教什么 (what to teach)..
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With that said, most of you read this knowledge domain for technical details, so I'll start giving your those in the subsequent sections of this article. 大多数读者阅读这个知识领域是为了获得技术上的细节,所以在本文后面的小节中我首先会给出那样的细节。 - 2
In the paper, unstructured data, such as papers published by experts and subjects committed by experts, is mined to recognise the knowledge domain of experts automatically. 论文通过对专家所发表的论文,承担的课题等非结构化数据进行挖掘,来自动判别出专家的知识领域。 - 3
Furthermore, you may not need all that domain knowledge.