诺德勒画廊(Knoedler)丑闻和沃尔夫冈·贝特莱希(Wolfgang Beltracchi)丑闻已经令收藏家们耗费了数以亿计的资金。
... ? EMC Partner 绝缘测试发生器 ? KNOEDLER 斜齿轮减速器 ? Ausco 机械卡尺 ...
... ? KUHME 自动倒圆阀 ? KNOEDLER 轴装式减速器 ? SNT 电动马达 ...
... ? Kerk Motion 客户定制的直线电机 ? KNOEDLER 挤出机齿轮 ? Clemens Lammers 交流电机 ...
诺德勒画廊 ; 诺德勒公司
Knoedler opened an outpost in Pittsburgh because there was all the new steel money there.
WSJ: The Art of Collecting
The buyers were urged on in their purchases by a small group of art dealers that included Knoedler, Colnaghi and Agnew's.
ECONOMIST: Flogging culture to Americans: The art of the deal | The