介 城市中文名称: 城市英文名称:Laxon 州或国家代码:NC (US) 国家中文名:美国 国家英文名:United States 纬度:36°14'00.00"N 经度:81°33'00.00"W
... laxon ==> 电喇叭,警笛 klaxon horn ==> 电喇叭 klaxon-horn ==> 电喇叭 ...
Prof Laxon solved the problem of separating ice from water in the satellite altimeter signal.
BBC: Cryosat spots Arctic sea-ice loss in autumn
Its lead author was UCL's Seymour Laxon, the renowned polar scientist who tragically died following an accident on New Year's Day.
"I think this is the first time that we can definitively say that the bulk overall volume of ice has decreased, " observed Dr Laxon.
BBC: Arctic ice thickness 'plummets'