释义 |
1 ?进步规律 即哈耶克不承认存在且反对人们自认为认识到所谓的“进步规律(law of progress)”。同时也应注意到,邓正来译本中完整的表述是“自生自发性进步(spontaneous progress)”(P53),如果说自发一词更多地意味着...
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Now, the law of progress is, that monsters shall disappear before the angels, and that Fatality shall vanish before Fraternity. 而进步的法律要求怪物消失在天使面前,因果报应让位于博爱。 - 2
Technological progress is sure to supply the necessary components.Moore's law, which holds that the processing power of a single computer chip roughly doubles every 18 months, applies to sensors, too. 技术的进步必然会为这一设想提供技术支持的零部件,而摩尔定律所说的单台计算机芯片的处理能力大概18个月就会翻一番,现在看来同样适用于传感器。 - 3
The land affected by the law in the Senate amounts to 1m hectares (2.5m acres), says Mr Lorenzoni, so its progress is of concern to Congress’s rural landowners’ block and to property developers. 等候参议院同意的法案影响土地面积达一百万公顷,Onyx Lorenzoni表示,因此这项法案的进度会受到国会农村地主集团议员和土地开发者的关切。