释义 |
- n.草坪,草地;上等细棉布,上等细麻布
- 【名】 (Lawn)(缅)朗(人名)
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农业科学 草坪 It is analyzed that the maximun annually water requirement of lawn is 772.0 mm. 同时 ,分析得出 ,北京地区草坪全年的需水量为 772 .0mm。
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生物学 草坪 In view of conflict focus on city lawn and human contending water, we select Changchun city which is a city of lacking water in north as study section, and lake physiological and ecological character of lawn as study content. 针对目前城市草坪与人类争水的矛盾焦点,将我国北方典型的缺水城市—长春作为主要的研究地,选择了草坪生理生态特性及耗水规律作为研究内容。 菌苔
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