= μ k 的威尔克斯(Wilks)的似然比准则,等价于W=|B|/|A+B|以及劳利(Lawley)的基准则V=trAB-1。而这个结论对一般线性假设仍然成立[6]。
... 所属州: AL 名字: Lawley 姓: Kyle ...
劳利山 ; 蒙特洛丽
超模罗宾 ; 胖妹们别躲在角落了
"We have rather been invaded, " said presenter Sue Lawley as protesters made their point.
BBC: When gay became a four-letter word
David Lawley Wakelin burst into the inquiry on Monday and accused Mr Blair of being a war criminal.
BBC: Protester enters Leveson court room
Police arrested Mr Lawley Wakelin on suspicion of breach of the peace but later released him without charge.