释义 |
1 ?幼稚型 juvenile form 少年型; 幼年型; 幼态; 幼稚型... 2 [植]?幼态 Juvenile Form(幼态), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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Although modern reptiles generally do not form fibro-lamellar bone, juvenile crocodiles raised under optimal environmental conditions do. 虽然现代爬行动物一般不会形成纤维板层骨,但在最佳环境下长大的幼年鳄鱼却能形成纤维板层骨。 - 2
Like most amphibians these begin life in a juvenile "tadpole" state, then metamorphose into the adult form — except for one species, the axolotl, which famously lives its entire life as a juvenile. 像大多数的两栖动物一样,它们从幼年的“蝌蚪”状态蜕变成成年的形式——蝾螈这个物种除外,众所周知,它一生都处于幼年状态。 - 3
And every developed or semi-developed country in the world has trouble with orphans and homeless children, with some form of juvenile delinquency, with child abuse, with child labor issues. 世界上每一个发达或半发达国家都存在着孤儿、流浪儿、青少年犯罪、虐待儿童、童工的麻烦问题。