释义 |
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Let's not focus on the current difficulties there. And also not on the questionable justification for the war, those weapons of mass destruction that somehow have never turned up. 请不要把眼光集中在眼下那里的困难,也不要集中在这场战争令人怀疑的正当性上,那些大规模杀伤性武器不知怎的从来就没露过面。 - 2
However, Ellsberg said, such a volume of material can be noteworthy for what it lacks: in this case, a justification for the U.S. continuing to wage war in Afghanistan. 然而,艾斯·伯格表示,如此大量的材料可以让人注意到其中缺失的东西:就此次事件而言,缺失的就是美国继续在阿富汗作战的正当性。 - 3
However, Ellsberg said, such a volume of material can be noteworthy for what it lacks: in this case, a justification for the U. S. continuing to wage war in Afghanistan. 然而,艾斯·伯格表示,如此大量的材料可以让人注意到其中缺失的东西:就此次事件而言,缺失的就是美国继续在阿富汗作战的正当性。