n. 油布;油毯;漆布
n. 润喉止咳糖浆
... 所属州: AL 名字: Lincecum 姓: Phillip ...
...金山巨人比赛预测分析:客队:费城费城人主队:旧金山巨人先发投手: 费城费城人:坎崔克(Kendrick)旧金山巨人:兰斯康(Lincecum) Kendrick在上一场先发的表现,
创建者: 小马拉 ( Lincecum ) 房间标签 :
林瑟康 ; 林斯康 ; 林瑟坎
旧金山巨人 ; 三藩市巨人队
Tim Lincecum and Brandon Morrow have had their share of injuries and injury whispers as well.
WSJ: Does 130 Pitches Spell Future Doom?
Or, if they're Giants fans, how they really, really, hope the tale of Samson's hair won't apply to Tim Lincecum.
Tim Lincecum is like that part of the American economy that hums along, that is fresh, innovative, lean, daring and crowd-pleasing.
FORBES: U.S. Economy Is Like Lincecum And Walker