释义 |
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At present, there are proven reserves Slate, kaolin, dolomite, iron ore and so on. 目前已探明的矿藏有板石、高岭土、白云石、铁矿石等。 - 2
The ground floor there are oil, natural gas, coal, geothermal, limestone, dolomite, hard iron bauxite and other mineral resources, rich reserves, the exploitation of high value. 地下蕴藏着石油、天然气、煤炭、地热、石灰岩、白云石、硬铁矾土等矿产资源,储量丰富,具有较高的开采价值。 - 3
We want to buy Iron Oxide, Limonite, Kaolin Clay, Gypsum Calcium Carbonate, Sand Glass, Fire Brick, Feldspar, Quartz, Bentonite, Dolomite Metal Mineral. 我们要采购氧化铁,褐铁矿,高岭土,石膏碳酸钙,砂玻璃,防火砖,长石,石英,膨润土,白云石,非金属矿物。