世界上最早的铁桥(Ironbridge)也可以顺便拜访一下。夸里公园(Quarry Park)的景致也很不错,八月会在这里主办举世瞩目的年度什鲁斯伯里花展。
... 埃尔布里奇 elbridge 艾恩布里奇 ironbridge 艾维布里奇 ivybridge ...
铁桥谷 ; 铁桥峡谷 ; 铁桥峡
It is a collaborative project between the The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust and Meadow Arts.
UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site launches 6 months of shape shifting
Kilda, Blaenavon Industrial Landscape, Ironbridge Gorge, and Giant's Causeway and Causeway Coast, among others.
UNESCO: Olympic torch carried through iconic Geopark
Churchill in Ironbridge is also soon to close for three months to stabilise the highway.
BBC: Ironbridge Jiggers Bank road closed until June