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1 [颜料]?铁蓝 亚铁氰化铁(ferric ferrocyanide):又称铁蓝(Iron Blue),是一种用于化妆品中的着色剂,最常添加在用于眼部周围的化妆品。 2 ?铁青 ... 干枯焦黄 dry yellow 铁青 iron bluel 泛红 reddish ... 3 ?华蓝 表 中文名称: 华蓝 英文名称: Iron blue 参考价格: 电议 分子式: (NH4)X[Fey(CN)6]2·nH2O 供应商: 点这里查看所有供应商信息 推荐供应商(1) 如何成为推荐供应商 4 ?铁黑 ... 腐铁细菌 iron bar 铁黑 Iron blue 铁蓝 iron brass ...
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Iron ore, set to become Australia's biggest export, fills scores of blue containers on the wharf side. 在靠近码头一侧,一个又一个蓝色集装箱装满了澳大利亚命中注定的最大出口品——铁矿石。 - 2
The superintendent was in fact preparing iron ferrocyanide, a substance also known as Prussian blue, a pigment used in paints. 这种物质一个更通俗的名称叫做普鲁士蓝,是一种绘画用的颜料。 - 3
The next morning, still curled up lazily, I watched as Againye dressed himself in black slacks and a blue button-down shirt that his younger brother had pressed the night before with a coal iron. 第二天早晨,当我仍旧懒洋洋地蜷缩着的时候,我注视着Againye穿上黑色宽松裤和一件昨晚他弟弟用煤熨斗烫平的蓝色按钮式衬衣。