释义 |
1 ?风的传人 23、 《风的传人》 (inherit the wind) ,1960 年,5 分。. 2 ?承受清风 最近他翻译、监制另一美国审讯名剧《承受清风》(Inherit the Wind),由傅月美、古天农联合导演,同样剧力好,反应佳。 3 ?天下父母心 ... 海伦凯勒/奇迹创造者/热泪心声/苦海奇人 The Miracle Worker 向上帝挑战/承受清风/风的遗产/风的传人/雄才怪杰/继承的风声/天下父母心 Inherit the Wind 真爱向前行 Disappearing Acts ...
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But the one most people remember is the 1925 Scopes trial, in Dayton, Tennessee, partly because Spencer Tracy played Darrow in a 1960 film about it, “Inherit the Wind.” 但让大部分人印象深刻的还是1925年在田纳西州代顿发生的斯科普斯审判案,这其中部分原因也源于1960年一部关于此案的电影《向上帝挑战》,斯宾塞·翠西在剧中扮演丹诺。 - 2
He who brings trouble on his family will inherit only wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise. - 3
Responsibility, let the upcoming destruction prodigal back, The responsibility, lets frail to inherit the seedlings gradually wind and rain. 责任,让即将沉沦的浪子回头;责任,让弱不禁风的幼苗逐渐承受风吹雨打。