吸入性炭疽(Inhalation anthrax)就是利用anthrax spores 经由口鼻吸 入,躲在我们肺部的lymph node 生长,初期的症状就像一般的感冒,几 天后因菌数大量增长并释...
吸入性炭疽病 ( Inhalation anthrax ): 的初期症状和感冒类似,但在2-4天好转后会突然恶化,出现呼吸困难,休克的症状,然后在1-2天内死亡。
Two other employees are being treated for inhalation anthrax, the most dangerous form of the illness.
CNN: Neighbors mourn postal worker
"We don't have a lot of time with inhalation anthrax, " warned Surgeon General David Satcher.
CNN: Postal workers angry over response
Five people died in the U.S. from inhalation anthrax during the fall of 2001.
CNN: An anthrax survivor looks back