If you know what field you want to view, you can append the -a switch with the attribute name. This example looks at lines per page or _l (lower case l).
如果知道要查看哪个字段,可以将属性名附加到- a switch中。
Then the curves of magnetic strips field ( B) with length ( L ) and magnetic roller field( B) with its angle (DEG) are described by printer.
通过打印机绘图仪输出了磁条的磁场( B) 与长度( L ) 的曲线、磁辊的磁场( B) 与角度(DEG) 的曲线。
The paper computes the cutoff wavelength and field pattern at different ridge positions in asymmetric single ridge waveguide and L-shape waveguide. Some computational data and figures are presented.