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法学 立法目的 Such protection relies on the declaration of the legislative intent,but the specific system of responsibilities is more important. 这种保护不仪依靠立法目的的宣示,更重要的是依靠具体责任制度提供支撑。 立法意图 The practice results show that the company’s capital does not prevent the emergence of flaw. And it is the crucial matter to formulate a set of stringent precautions and punishment measures to ensure implementation of its legislative intent. 修订后的公司法在资本形成制度中并未采取授权资本制,而是采用法定资本制加认缴制,实践结果表明,其并不能防范公司资本瑕疵的出现,如何制定出一套严密的防范和处罚措施,保证其立法意图的实现乃是问题的关键所在。
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Dissolution of the company liquidation system of legislative intent is to settle claims and debts of the company to protect the interests of the company and creditors. 公司解散清算制度立法本意是了结公司债权债务,保护公司及债权人利益。 - 2
This may be as simple as learning how to look up employee rights on the Department of Labor Web site or as complicated as researching legislative intent for a pro se case. 这可能像知道如何在劳工部网站查询雇员权利一样简单,或者像研究一个案例的立法意图一样复杂。 - 3
The said measures include legislative intent, scope of application, concrete provisions and implementation date in accordance with the requirements of CASAC's working rules; 按照国资委立法工作规则的要求,该办法的内容包括了立法目的、适用范围、具体规定和实施日期等。