abbr. 磁盘操作系统(Disk Operating System)
?基本磁盘操作系统(Basic Disc Operating System)
对APPLE-II 微型机CP/M 操作系统作了修改,在BDOS(基本磁盘操作系统)中接入了可拆卸的汉字输入/输出处理模块,这就使得在CP/M56支持下的所有高级语言及实用程序不需作任何修改即可处理汉字。
... BLP Bell-LaPadula安全模型(它安全、信息) BDOS 基本负荷天的供应 EMC 事件意味着浓度(代表的污染物浓度的径流暴风雨事件) ...
?基本磁盘操作系统(Basic Disk Operating System)
For the record, attorneys and BDOs are all human beings replete with failings, follies, and foibles.
FORBES: TSA's Behavior Detection Officer : Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Oddly, in arguing against the monolithic depiction of TSA and BDOs, you then raise your own broadbrush characterization that all attorneys should somehow have the same understanding.
Put your spouse or child on that check-in line or on one of the flights and then be so quick to defend TSA and all BDOs.