释义 |
- 预算执行:指对预算的制定、实施和监督,以确保预算目标的实现和资源的有效利用。
1 [财政]?预算执行 ... 预算支助 budgetary support 预算执行 budget enforcement 预算执行部门 budget executive ... 2 ?预算实施 ... 预算执行, 预算实施 budget enforcement 执行法律, 实施法律 dispensing justice 法律的实施, 法律的执行 law enforcement ...
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A new budget enforcement act would, again, be abandoned as soon as big federal surpluses re - emerged - and for good reasons. 即使出台新的《财政预算执行法》,一旦庞大的预算盈余再次出现,该法律还是会被废除,而且理由会很充分。 - 2
The most successful was the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, which capped discretionary spending growth and required new entitlements or tax cuts to be paid for. 最成功的莫过于1990年的预算执行法案,抑制了可自由支配支出,并要求发放新补贴和减免要征收的税额。 - 3
Fiscally conservative Germany saw this coming and made sure strict budget restrictions were a condition of entering the Eurozone, but the enforcement has been lacking. 财政保守的德国看到了这一天会到来,强调过严格的预算限制是加入欧元区的一个条件,但是这一点缺乏执行。