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- abbr.交互式节目指南(Interactive Program Guide);高级性能计算机网格(Information Power Grid)
1 ?打印及成像系统集团 对惠普而言,IPG(打印及成像系统集团)是一个重要的、差异化的、盈利的业务部门,坚实地符合于惠普的总体战略。 2 ?梯度 固相pH梯度等电聚焦技术的突破要归功于Immobilines试剂(Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, APB)的基础上开发的固相pH梯度(IPG)技术。Immobilines(固相试剂)是一系列性质稳定的具有弱酸弱碱性质的丙烯酰胺衍生物,与丙烯酰胺和甲叉双丙烯酰胺有类的 3 ?部门 成像及打印部门(IPG)是与印刷行业关系最为密切的部门。第四财季,该部门收入同比增长8%,达70亿美元。 4 ?埃培智集团 ...埃培智集团(IPG)于上周发布了上半年和二季度的财报,受益于二季度的稳定表现,最后成绩喜人。
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The IPG is then programmed to deliver a high-frequency electrical stimulation to the targeted area of the brain. - 2
IPG includes printer hardware, all-in-ones, digital imaging devices such as cameras and scanners, and associated supplies and accessories. 图像和打印集团包括打印机硬件,全套组件,如照相机和扫描仪这样的数码图像设备,以及相关的供应件和配件。 - 3
Stained with coomassie brilliant blue, nearly 450 protein spots in a 2-de gel were detected with the pH 3 ~ 10 gradient IPG strip, among which about 89% proteins were acidic ones. 用pH 3 - 10的IPG胶条进行双向电泳,经考马斯亮蓝染色后,可在胶面上检测到大约450个蛋白点,其中约有89%的蛋白是酸性蛋白。