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1 [地物]?电离层暴 不同地磁扰动事件期间全球电离层的扰动形态分析_stmopen 关键词】: 磁暴类型,电离层暴,全球性 [gap=1681]Keywords】: Geomagnetic storm type,Ionospheric storm,Globa lity. 2 ?此为太阳电离风暴 ...讯及卫星通讯, 宽峻时,天球白日通讯年夜范畴断讯,以至卫星被太阳下能量电离子的脉冲所破 坏,此为太阳电离风暴(Ionospheric storm). 中,长波是靠天波传布的,所以电离 层骚扰对它们的影响不年夜.
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The formation mechanism of the present ionospheric storm was discussed. - 2
My present work mainly involves the study of global ionospheric model and the ionospheric storm including its morphology, physics, prediction, and so on. 现从事的工作主要涉及:全球电离层模型的研究和应用、电离层暴扰动形态、物理机制和预报等方面的研究。 - 3
During ionospheric storm periods, the existing prediction methods for the critical frequency of ionospheric F2 layer(foF2) can not satisfy the requirements of the practical applications. 在电离层风暴期,现存的电离层F2层临界频率预测方法不能满足实际应用的要求。