释义 |
1 ?宝刀鱼 ... kiwi(bird)几维鸟,奇异鸟,鹬鸵 knifefish宝刀鱼 koala考拉,树袋熊,树熊,无尾熊 ... 2 ?刀鱼 ...大多为扁侧型而非圆柱状,而且体高也较鳗鱼来得高,另外在外型上和人们用的刀子类似,所以在国外也把这类的鱼称为刀鱼(Knifefish) 此外值得一提的是斑马鳗在身体的末端有一发电器,藉微弱的电力协助觅食。 3 ?长刀鱼 ... 王马鲛;王鱼 kingfish 长刀鱼 knifefish 野鲮 labeo ...
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The design is a nod to freshwater knifefish, which can move forward and backward, and hover, by rippling an elongated ventral fin. Gymnobot的设计灵感来自于一种名为宝刀鱼(knifefish)的淡水鱼,这种鱼利用腹部长长的鱼鳍,在水中可以进退自如,还可以作出水中盘旋等动作。 - 2
If it looks like a fish and swims like a fish, it could be a robot — such as the University of Bath's Gymnobot (pictured), inspired by an Amazonian knifefish. 有这样一个机器人,它的样子和游泳动作都很像一条鱼——这就是巴斯大学的Gymnobot。它的样子是模仿亚马逊流域的一种刀鱼。 - 3
To allow more room for cameras and other electronics, Megill's team took cues from the knifefish, which keeps its body rigid to sense electric currents in the water. 为了能有空间装入相机和其他电子设备,梅吉尔的团队开始关注刀鱼,这种鱼可以让身体保持僵硬,来感知水中的电流。