... kneeler跪垫 kneelingwarrior跪坐俑 kneipplinen克内普亚麻布 ...
... 跪姿 kneeling position 跪姿射击 shoot from a kneeling position 跪者 kneeler 跪姿潜入 duck-under on the nees ...
... kneel 下跪 kneeler 跪拜者 kneeler 跪台 ...
... kneeler 跪拜者 kneeler 跪台 kneeler 跪者 ...
In the chapel where they prayed together, Benedict offered Francis the traditional kneeler used by the pope.
NPR: Pope Francis Tells Benedict: "We're Brothers"
The two used a different kneeler in the pews and prayed together, side-by-side.
WSJ: Pope Francis Meets With Benedict
He genuflected and sank onto a kneeler six pews back from Christ in the tabernacle and noticed off to his right Brother McKeon saying his Rosary.
NPR: Excerpt: 'Exiles'
prayer mat??/??hassock