

单词 jump to it
jump to it
/ d??mp tu ?t /
  • 简明释义
  • 开始做某事:立即开始做某事。
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    jump to conclusions 过早下结论 jump to it 赶紧 Turn over a new leaf是「改过自新、重新做人的意思。

  • 2


    ... jump through the window跳过窗户 jump to it赶快 jump to one's feet一跃而起,突然站起来 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    There are a lot of good things going for Web Forms and just because Microsoft has decided to try something new doesn't mean we all have to jump to it.
    Web Forms还是有许多优点,微软现在只是决定尝试一些新的事物,但这并不意味着我们必须完全转向它们。
  • 2
    We wouldn't recommend anyone jump to it as their main browser, but if you're eager to try it out and are comfortable with alpha software, it's worth a look.
  • 3
    This tiny program is a bootloader that will initialize the attached memory controllers, possibly load the main program from some external source, and jump to it.
  • 同近义词




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