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iodine-potassium碘化 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?碘化钾溶液 ...氢氧化钙在根管治疗中的应用 ,FC)、樟脑对氯酚(camphorated paramonochlorophenol,CP)、碘-碘化钾溶液(iodine-potassium iodide,IPI)等,都有较强的细胞毒性或成为半抗原可能引起机体的免疫损害。 2 ?碘 碘-碘化钾 iki; iodine-potassium iodide 碘化钾汞 mercury potassium iodide ..
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The ingestion of potassium iodide is an established method to prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid. 摄入碘化钾是防止放射性碘在甲状腺中积累的常用办法。 - 2
Potassium iodide can be used to help protect the thyroid gland from radiation injury, but regular table salt doesn't contain enough iodine, according to health experts. 据卫生专家们说,碘化钾可以用于保护甲状腺免受辐射危害,但是日常使用的食盐并不包含足够的碘。 - 3
Fortunately, an easy form of protection is potassium iodide, a simple compound typically added to table salt to prevent goiter and a form of mental retardation caused by a dietary lack of iodine. 幸运的是,存在一种简单的保护方式,这就是碘化钾。它是通常添加到食盐中的一种简单的化合物,可以预防甲状腺肿大和因碘营养缺乏所致一种精神障碍。