abbr.美国大学入学考试 (American College Test);预缴公司税(advance corporation tax);澳大利亚首都领地(Australian Capital Territory);(美国)儿童电视行动组织(Action for Children's Television);(新西兰)消费者和纳税人联合会(Association of Consumers and Taxpayers);(美国)任课教师协会(Association of Classroom Teachers);活化凝血时间(activated clotting time)
A. c. T. GLOBAL is a foreign buyer from Philippines, need to purchase products of toy etc. categories.
Under the ship, he printed in big red letters: C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S!
Even though the written word C-A-T looks nothing like a cat, and the spoken word "cat" sounds nothing like a cat sounds, when someone says the word out loud, you're able to conjure up an image.