... Survivorship bias 幸存者偏差 ; 存活者偏差 ; 生存偏差 ; 幸存者偏差 Inflationary bias 通胀偏差 ; 通货膨胀偏倚 ; 通胀倾向 ; 通胀偏差 forward bias 正向偏置 ; 前向偏移 ; 正偏 ; 正向偏压 ...
三?独立性不够与通货膨胀偏倚(Inflationary Bias)
Residual plusses are near zero interest rates and no inflationary bias with oil peaking.
FORBES: My Country, Right Or Wrong, My Country!
This week's bias was prompted in part by worries about the inflationary effect of looming labour shortages.
ECONOMIST: Softly, softly