释义 |
1 ?膨胀价格 ... inflated profits 虚增利润 inflated value 膨胀价格 infrastructure n. 下部构造,下部组织,基础结构,基础设施 ...
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The artificially inflated value was given to Citco, the fund's administrator; Citco used the data in monthly statements to investors. 这种虚增的价值数据提交给基金行政管理人Citco后进入了投资者月报。 - 2
Regulators should force Banks to write down the value of second liens, which are often held at vastly inflated values on their balance-sheets. - 3
The word "value" is often times misused or misunderstood. The reason for this is because when a word is used too much, the meaning of it becomes inflated. “价值”这个词往往被误用或误解,这个原因是因为当一个词用得太多,它的意义就会变多,比如像“最好”,“顶级”和“最”这些词。