释义 |
1 [法]?合法原因 ... lawful bearer 合法持票人 lawful cause 合法原因 lawful condition 法定条件 ...
- 1
According to the best of my knowledge and belief, there is no consanguinity or other lawful cause to bar or hinder the solemnization of the said marriage. 尽我所知的,当中并不违反血缘法例或在法律上禁止或阻碍这严肃的婚姻。 - 2
It also requires local police, after making a "lawful contact", to check the immigration status of people who cause "reasonable suspicion", and to arrest them if they lack documents. 它还要求当地警察,在经过合法的接触后,有正当理由怀疑并盘查移民的身份。如果没有证件,就可以逮捕他们。 - 3
Justifiable % defence is the act being exempted from crimes, namely, this act appears to cause damage to lawful rights and interests, but in essential it protects lawful rights and interests. 正当防卫是排除犯罪性的行为,也就是说,这种行为在表面上给合法权益造成了损害,实质上却是保护了合法权益。