释义 |
1 ?劳斯 十九世纪中叶,这个问题才由布散果耳(Boussingault)以及吉尔伯特(Gilbert)和劳斯(Lawes)在罗森斯特德(Rothams-ted)实验站加以研究;他们的研究成果成了现代人工施肥的基础。 2 ?鲁茨 1842年,英国人鲁茨(Lawes)的专利:由兽骨+ H 2 SO 4 制成。后来发现天然磷矿石后,由其代替兽骨。 3 ?法律 君主们(Princes)如果乐意,可对此多加留意,(这会使他们的统治获得成功)亦即,虽有许多良好健全的法律(Lawes),若无一名执行者(Executioner),一切都是徒劳。 4 ?名字 ... 名字: Lawes 姓: Aisha 标签: Aisha Lawes ...
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In 1847 the farm's founder, Sir John Lawes, described its soil as a heavy loam resting on chalk and capable of producing good wheat when well manured. 1847年农场的创办人,劳斯爵士,将这里的土壤描述为一条狭小田地上面能产出很多粮食的田地,如果好好施肥能产出更多。 - 2
The music for the mask, which still exists at least, the melody still exists, was written by Henry Lawes, the most important musician working in England. 现在流传下来了的《面具》的音乐, 亨利劳斯写的旋律依然存世, 亨利是英国最伟大的作曲家。 - 3
Over 32 poems Mr Hill traces an elegiac sequence for Lawes and his music, intermingling the historical events around his death with flashes of the everyday. 在32首诗歌中,希尔先生追溯着劳维斯和劳式音乐哀伤的演变,通过平常生活中的点点滴滴将这些历史事件串联起来,最终形成一本古怪而突兀的诗集。