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Salt basins, sand and lava cover much of its 40,000 square miles (103,600 square km), and the soil is so lifeless that NASA can design their Mars ground tests on Atacama land. 大约4万平方英里(103,600平方公里)的地区都被盐盆地,沙地和熔岩所覆盖。因为这里的土壤毫无生命力所以美国国家航空及太空局可以在这个岛上进行火星地面测验。 - 2
Salt basins, sand and lava cover much of its 40,000 square miles (103,600 square km), and the soil is so lifeless that NASA can design their Mars ground tests on Atacama land. 大约4万平方英里(103,600平方公里)的地区都被盐盆地,沙地和熔岩所覆盖。 因为这里的土壤毫无生命力所以美国国家航空及太空局可以在这个岛上进行火星地面测验。 - 3
And while the rich volcanic soil generates new plant life, the lava oozes into the Pacific. 肥沃的火山灰养育了新的植物品种,而不断涌入太平洋的熔岩也在形成新的岛屿。