释义 |
1 ?笑死病 非洲新几内亚福尔部落有一种“笑死病”( Laughing Death),也叫苦鲁病,这种病的特征是患者突然大笑,患者会肢体摇晃,不停地笑, 1个月到3个月后,患者开始摇摆,走路蹒跚,站立不稳,眼...
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The rabbit was crushed to death at last, while the lady, who was sitting on the glass, was laughing and singing happily and making some postures without the least showed sympathy. 坐在玻璃板上的那名女子, 居然对着镜子快乐地欢笑着, 歌唱着, 并且摆了一些姿势, 没有丝毫的不忍. - 2
Cars were the death of legs. Ace left the ignition keys in his pocket and ran along the pavement with Bonnie laughing an bouncing at his chest. 有了汽车腿就完蛋了。埃斯将车钥匙放在口袋里,沿着马路跑起来,邦尼在他的怀里笑着,颤颤悠悠地。 - 3
All of a sudden, everyone stopped laughing. "the worm pie? Cockroach filling!" one by one, they fell to the ground... death mimicry. 一下子,大家都不笑了。“虫子馅饼?蟑螂馅!”他们一个接一个地倒在了地上…装死?