释义 |
1 ?疗程主题 ... interpersonal theme 人际主位 journey theme 疗程主题 karen‘s theme 凯伦的主题 ...
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The theme of life, or the city's journey of life, runs through all its exhibitions. 馆内通过高科技的手法,以隐喻的形式,表明城市如同一个生命活体,具备生命的结构和灵魂。 - 2
As a result, his novellas are endowed with universal meaning, as they reveal a noble and grand theme, i. e. human beings' journey and redemption in the background of conflict between good and evil. 由此,他的小说不再是传统学界所认为的“社会抗议”文字,而是对人类具有永久性警示作用的力作,因为它们揭示了人类亘古以来一个崇高而宏大的主题,即善与恶冲突背景下的人类的出行和救赎。 - 3
From London, take a two-hour train journey to Alton Towers, a giant theme park that's a big draw with everyone. 从伦敦坐两个小时的火车就来到了爱尔顿塔,这是一个对每个人都有吸引力的超大型主题乐园。