释义 |
您要找的是不是: blondeadj. 亚麻色的;白皙的;白肤金发碧眼的 | ... bloodyadj. 血腥的;非常的;嗜杀的,残忍的;... 1 ?金发贵族 ...着坐起来,好像终于发现有什么不对,更没想到他看到我以后会回过头,说了一句“万能Jupiter请您告诉我旁边那个Blondy (金发贵族)是我的幻觉”果然,把他带回来以后有好些日子不会无聊了。 2 ?姓 ... 名字: O'hara 姓: Blondy 标签: Blondy L O'hara ...
- 1.
And, like Blondy and me at the movies, many weeks could pass between encounters. NEWYORKER: Lucky Alan - 2.
Yet Sigismund Blondy, being who he was, found Zwelish all the more precious for his touchiness. NEWYORKER: Lucky Alan - 3.
He did it elegantly nothing but elegance, with a woman especially, was possible for Blondy. NEWYORKER: Lucky Alan