释义 |
1 ?软式棒球 ... kittul 棕榈 kitty ball 软式棒球 Kituba 吉士巴语 ...
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They have a sweet kitty cat nose, big dark eyes and those silly flippers that make you think that they might be an interbred of a dolphin, a cat and a calf into a blubbery ball of soft fury cuteness. 他们有一个甜蜜小猫一样的鼻子,大大的黑眼睛和哪些感觉傻乎乎的脚蹼,这不得不让人们联想到,他们是不是由一个大海豚,一个小猫和一个牛犊填到一个堆满脂肪的柔软可爱的大气球里面而来呢? - 2
"Say, Kitty, " called one to a girl who was doing a waltz step in a few feet of space near one of the windows, "are you going to the ball with me? “喂,吉蒂,”有一个对正在窗子旁的几尺空间练习华尔兹舞步的姑娘喊,“跟我去跳舞好吗?” - 3
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur…