Vivitar 28mm f/2 (49mm 滤镜版本由日本Komine代工, 55mm 基侬(Kiron)代工) 49mm镜头是Close Focus版本,最近对焦距离24mm
960-1980骞翠箣闂寸殑MF鍗曞弽镞朵唬旋剧粡 Vivitar 20mm f/3.8 (82mm filter, 锘轰粳(Kiron)浠e伐) Vivitar 21mm f/ivpnkusdchinabei forum.xitek.com/thread-827305-1-1 2013-3-3 - 锏惧害蹇収obecijrchinabei ..
个人签名 企诺(CHINON)CM-5 奇能(KIRON)35-135 富士S602 SONY-TX7 奥林巴斯E620套机 佳能5D2套机
... 希里黛玉 Mehdi 阿米尔·汗 Kiron 桑杰·达特 Irfan ...
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Kiron K. Skinner.
CNN: Margaret Thatcher led in fighting terrorism
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Kiron Skinner.
CNN: Before taking on Syria, U.S. should heed lesson of the past