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湖,瑞克 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1.
Probst has entered the fray of the ultra competitive world of daytime talk shows, where he must compete against the likes of Ellen DeGeneres, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Anderson Cooper, Maury Povich, Ricki Lake, and fellow newcomers Steve Harvey and Katie Couric. FORBES: Ratings Don't Reflect The Jeff Probst Show's Potential - 2.
And this fall, they're searching for that next bankable personality with shows from daytime veteran Ricki Lake, "Family Feud" host Steve Harvey, "Survivor's" Jeff Probst and Katie Couric. CNN: Future of daytime? More talk, less drama - 3.
But its central idea, that somehow catharsis leads to cure, lives on -- rages on -- in Oprah and Geraldo and Ricki Lake and the whole steaming psychic stew that is our confessional culture. CNN: Viewpoint: Not Enough Conversation?