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1 ?礁湖星云 说明: 明亮的 礁湖星云 ( Lagoon Nebula )是许多奇特天体的家园,其中较有趣的有疏散星团和多个活跃的恒星形成区。 2 ?湖星云 在与蛇夫座(Ophiuchus)交接的地方是M8, 泻湖星云 ( Lagoon Nebula ),肉眼可见部分。略北为M20,非常美丽和著名的三叶星云(Trifid Nebula),其因星云在形状上分成三部分而得名。
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A dark stream of dust meanders through the brightly glowing gas of the Lagoon Nebula, about 5,000 light-years from Earth. 一条由尘埃构成的深色溪流蜿蜒缓慢地流经珊瑚星云的明亮炽热的气体,珊瑚星云约距离地球5千光年。 - 2
Like brush strokes on a canvas, ridges of color seem to flow across the Lagoon Nebula, a canvas nearly 3 light-years wide. 就如同画布上的笔触,浓重的色带流过泻湖星云,而这张画布几乎有3光年宽。 - 3
A dark stream of dust meanders through the brightly glowing gas of the Lagoon Nebula, about 5, 000 light-years from Earth. 一条由尘埃构成的深色溪流蜿蜒缓慢地流经珊瑚星云的明亮炽热的气体,珊瑚星云约距离地球5千光年。